Con Tech

Structural Renovation & Restoration

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    Concrete Restoration

High-rise balconies, catwalks, parking garages, beam and column repair.

Con Tech Building Corp. is a certified Florida State Building Contractor specializing in building restoration and renovations. We pride ourselves in providing top quality work and service at a very competitive price.

Our company’s objective is to provide comprehensive concrete repair and restoration, using proven repair procedures, proper equipment, and the best repair materials for the job. No two structures deteriorate exactly the same way. The repair procedure for each is developed individually to restore structural integrity, our primary consideration.

Concrete spalling that affects structural integrity begins within the concrete at the reinforcing steel. Concrete’s high alkalinity causes a thin, invisible, protective oxide film to form on steel. However, when sodium chloride or calcium chloride are present, along with moisture and oxygen, carbonation occurs and the protective film is broken down and corrosion begins. As the corrosion builds and occupies more space inside the concrete, tremendous forces builds within the concrete. Cracking is seen first and if not properly repaired large sections of concrete begin to breakaway.

The International Concrete Repair Institute of which Con Tech is a member of, have issued guidelines for the proper long-term repair of the corrosion induced spalling. Proper repair of spalls includes precise surface prep, inspection and replacement of bad steel, use of a corrosion inhibiting bonding agent, placement of a high-early strength polymer modified repair mortars and proper curing.

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Diagnostics of concrete deterioration

bulletCracks and failed joints - Cracks and failed joints allow moisture to reach reinforcing steel, thus promoting corrosion and spalling.
bulletCorrosion of embedded steel - Corrosion is a major underlying cause of deterioration in concrete structures. As steel corrodes it produces iron oxide, or rust, which has several times the volume of steel. This expansion cracks and delaminates the surrounding concrete.
bulletSpalls and delaminations - Corrosion, lack of adequate cover and poor quality concrete are the most direct causes of spalls. Typical problem areas include through slab/full depth deterioration, partial depth, slab edges, embedments and penetrations.
bulletPotential/latent corrosion in sound concrete - Repairing corroded steel in one area can hasten corrosion in areas adjacent to the repair. The newly repaired steel becomes the cathode and the surrounding untreated steel functions as the anode, jump starting a new hot spot of corrosion. A migrating corrosion inhibitor will reduce the rate of future corrosion.
bulletUnleveled, uneven horizontal profiles - Unleveled and cupped concrete deck surfaces produce ponding areas "bird baths" and moisture penetration, which speeds corrosion.
bulletExisting and future moisture intrusion-Because concrete structures face continual exposure to wind-driven harsh environmental conditions, water intrusion into the substrate is a constant threat. Many owners also tend to choose decorative coverings such as carpet or tile that trap moisture. A decorative cementitious waterproofing membrane will guard against future water intrusion.

Technical reps are avaible from Sto, Sonneborn and Masterbuilders to address specific problems.

Last modified: 2009-03-25            [Home] [Services] [Active projects] [References] [Emergency Response] [Maintenance] [Check list] [China &Ty]